It is 40 years ago TODAY, The Kansas City Times published this report, the 1st of 2 in the Spirit of ’76, as Americans were celebrating the 200th Anniversary of their Revolution.

Kansas City Times, September 13, 1976 (2)

When the Republican Convention was over, and the crowds left, I stayed behind and camped out at the Liberty Memorial Mall in Penn Valley Park. I was surprised how easy it was to just walk in off the street, with no money or organization behind me, and have a major Daily Newspaper chronicle my Voyage of Faith. Newspapers and Magazines Coast to Coast in CanaDa, spread over many years, also bear record of my Voyage in Faith just from walking in off the street as an individual.

From the interview, I had no idea what they would publish, and naturally, when it appeared 40 years ago Today, I thought it was cool the Date and picture were in sync.

“He came to town for the Republican National Convention  and will stay until the election in November to do God’s bidding: To tell the world, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered […] He gestured toward a gleaming  church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of Babylon,” he said.”

These are the first two parts of the three part Writing On The Wall recorded in Daniel 5 during the Captivity of Babylon some 2600 years ago. Babylon is now called Iraq. It was not until 9/11 and 7 years later, with the Global Financial Meltdown-Economic Pearl Harbour-Tsunami in the Fall of 2008, the whole world was able to see the Writing on the Wall for the 1st Time at the same Time. The world has ignored it, still thinking it is a money-things problem, when it is a Spiritual problem.

The 3rd part of the Writing On The Wall tells of Persia, now known as Iran, becoming a dominant Imperial Power in the world, taking over Babylon 2600 years ago. History has repeated itself since the US invasion of Iraq/Babylon, the Biblical model of an Imperial Nation when Iraq was called Babylon. The US is the latest, greatest Nation to wear that Imperial Mantle since taking over from the British Empire after WWII. The Tail has struck the Head, and the reverberations continue to this very Day.

The world and America could not see that in 1976. It’s increasingly evident, from what the secular news media puts out these Days, the Revelation of the unfolding details of that General Vision in 1976 has, and is, coming to pass.

The September 13, 1976 article records, “There are 30 months before the Fate of the world will be sealed with either destruction or the Universal Brotherhood of Man,” he said. The 30 month figure stems from another biblical prophecy, he said, concerning a treaty with Israel…….

NOTE: That does not say Armageddon in 30 months.

The Facts of History show 29 months later, the 1979 Iranian Revolution happened. (Destruction) One month later, exactly 30 months after the September 1976 Kansas City Times record, the Camp David Accord was signed  between Israel and Egypt. (Universal Brotherhood) That took 13 days to negotiate, in sync with the Date and picture of the Kansas City Times record.

‘Thirteen Days in September,’ on Camp David accords, by Lawrence Wright


The September 13, 1976 Kansas City Times chronicle records the warning of an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a war with Russia.”

The Revelation of the unfolding events increasingly reported by Today’s Western news media demonizing Putin and Russia, indicate the TIME of the fulfillment of that prophecy is now at hand, unless saner heads prevail!

Unfortunately, all too often, it looks to me like this world has chosen the Destruction part of the 1976 prophecy. I still hold out hope this world will opt for the Universal Brotherhood of Man and Woman since the other has not happened – yet.

All sane and rational people should pay attention when this world’s major powers are flexing their military muscles, and either deliberately or accidentally, this world is brought to the Biblical End Time Judgment by Fire. This was never possible in the History of Mankind before WWII, but with 23,000 nukes between them, a misjudgment by fire is possible.

This is the attack scene from the made for TV movie ‘THE DAY AFTER’ Kansas city was destroyed in a nuclear holocaust which appeared 7 years after the Kansas City Times articles. Up to this realistic presentation of a nuclear attack, the Official government line was you would be safe ducking under a desk.

p.s. September 28, 2016.

With the death of Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister and President of Israel, and the tributes to him coming from so many Presidents and Prime Ministers from opposite sides of the ideological and political divides, he definitely was a Giant among men, shaping Israel and this world since the re-creation of Israel from the Bible in 1948, after an absence of some 2800 years.

For reasons anyone reading this should understand, naturally, because of this article with the September 13, 1976 KANSAS CITY TIMES record, I would be more interested and curious than anybody else in this world, to read these coincidences or designs only TODAY from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:

“He never disavowed the Oslo Accords, which, in a coincidence that delighted the crazies on the right, was signed on September 13, 1993, 23 years to the day before Peres collapsed in Sheba Medical Center. His right-wing critics, who blame the accord for all of Israel’s woes, have never explained what their alternative is, other than to persist in the existing situation”

Seems to me the Spirit of the letter and the picture published by THE KANSAS CITY TIMES on September 13, 1976, is still moving and working in this material world.

It led to the 13 days it took to negotiate the Camp David Accord, signed in 1979, exactly 30 months later, as the September 13, 1976 KANSAS CITY TIMES bears the Historical Chronology and record it would be.

All parties to that Treaty did not live up to the Spirit of the letter, and The Oslo Accords were supposed to rectify the failures by not fully implementing Camp David. The Oslo Accords have also failed, as the Middle East is enveloped in Chaos that will spread to the larger world if corrective measures are not taken soon.

It also happened at that 1976 Republican Convention THE KANSAS CITY TIMES does not report, the Secret Service guarding President Ford called me out of a crowd of thousands in the Lobby of the Crown Center Hotel. They were looking up to the restricted mezzanine having the podium of the President as he was expected to be standing there any moment.

Try to imagine my unexpected surprise when, instead of questing me in some room out of sight, the Secret Service Agent led me to stand at the very podium of the President, where he proceeded to question me in the view of all those witnesses, and ABC,CBS & NBC broadcasting live.

Standing face to face with me, after about 12 questions, to my even greater surprise, these exact words came out of his mouth. “Are you Jesus Christ?” I had no illusions about that then or now, and immediately said, “No.”

They wanted to hold my big stick I walked softly with for ‘security reasons’ while the President was in the area.

Having the same image as the picture in the newspaper article above, I would think it’s highly unlikely anyone having such a Revolutionary image stood at the President’s podium anywhere before or since?

God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders,

Hebrews 2