THE ONENESS of HUMANITY – An Interview of Ray Joseph Cormier

r. Ray Cormier, editor at The Word – Ray Joseph Cormier here on WordPress, has kindly accepted an invitation to take part in our recently begun interview series. Mr. Cormier has a unique personal perspective as have all previous interviewees, adding for readers a valuable contrast, and at the same time broadening the series’ diverse spectrum of worldviews as related to experienced events.

Thank you, Ray, for generously sharing your life experiences and insights, found in the following words.


Question 1.) What was your primary motivation for entering the world of blogging on the worldwide web – the internet?

And more than they, my son, beware; making many books has no end, and studying much is a weariness of the flesh.-Ecclesiastes12:12

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. -John 21:25

There is no question the Internet is the marvel of our Age.There is no longer an excuse to say ,”I didn’t know.” My Blog is my ‘Book’ in the Spirit of the Bible verses above

I was a Star Trek devotee in the 60s. It was so Civilized. The “communicator” was only a fantasy, but now they are real with cell phone communicators. Unfortunately, we have smart phones but dumb people in the sense of not speaking up about the unfolding events in this World. I was so impressed with the technology when Captain Kirk said, ‘On Screen’ and there were visuals from anywhere in Space. Now we have Skype connecting everybody on Earth.

I would imagine the primary motivation for anyone entering the world of Blogging is to share their thoughts and visions of what they see in this world, and what they would like to see.

For me, part of the reason is to make people aware of this Public Record from 41 years ago.

These are excerpts from the article as I saw then, and see unfolding in the bigger world Today. There is an explicit Future Time-date in the article that came True in March 1979 as recorded in the 1976 record

“He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD’S BIDDING: To tell the world, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered […] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of Babylon,” he said.” […] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a war with Russia.”

It’s taken over 40 years, but that 1976 FUTURE is NOW, with the Revelation of the details GENERALLY unfolding in the spirit of the letter. The World is finally waking up to see Trump just may hasten “its days are numbered” part of the 1976 Public record. Fire and Fury like this world has never seen before may be another promise Trump will keep?

The KANSAS CITY TIMES did a follow up report on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976. When the TV movie ‘THE DAY AFTER’ Kansas City was incinerated in a Nuclear Holocaust appeared in 1983, most likely, I was the only Human on Earth, including the newspaper reporters, to note at the END, the movie pauses at the very same picture frame THE KANSAS CITY TIMES chose for the ALL SOULS DAY record 7 years earlier.

Any way you look at it, that HISTORICAL FACT is a confirming SIGN for our Generations, the World has arrived at the point of Decision, of an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a war with Russia.” ‘Multitudes! Multitudes in the Valley of Decision. The Day of the LORD IS NEAR in the Valley of Decision.’

Not too many will recognize, “this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered” as the 1st two parts, of the 3 part ‘Writing on the Wall” from Daniel 5 and the Captivity of Babylon some 2600 years ago. The whole world saw The Writing on the Wall for the 1st TIME at the same TIME, with the Global Financial Meltdown-Economic Pearl Harbour in September of 2008, even if the world does not recognize it as such.

The 3rd part of the Writing on the Wall tells of the decline of Babylon, the 1st Biblical model of the Nation that reaches Imperial Military-Economic Superpower Status, and the rise of Persia

Ancient Babylon is now Iraq, and ancient Persia is now Iran.

The US is the latest, greatest of all the Nations reaching Imperial Military-Economic Superpower Status in the 2600 year old Biblical Babylonian superstructure.

The TAIL struck the HEAD, causing the unravelling of the Earthly Babylonian superstructure/infrastructure in violation of International Law, undermining the Global Order in place since WWII, ushering in the Law of the Jungle to the Middle East and this World.

The Iranian Revolution happened in 1979, 2-1/2 years after the record in the 1976 KANSAS CITY TIMES Timeline.

All the chaos in the Middle East since then, including the carnage in Syria, is the consequence of the vain attempt to reverse that God ordained, repeat of History, as a SIGN for our Generations.

The Trump government has announced to the world, the next target for regime change by the US is Iran. Trump is following the same US WAR PLANS brought out weeks after 9/11, to change regimes in Iraq, Libya, Syria and finally, Iran.

Former NATO Supreme Commander, US General Wesley Clark blew the whistle on those 2001 US War Plans in 2007, years before the 2011 Arab Spring, the regime change in Libya, and the attempted regime change in Syria.

Republican Bush did Iraq, Democrat Obama did Libya and attempted regime change in Syria, and now Trump, is going after Iran leading to the END game of those 2001 US War Plans. At a minimum, this is circumstantial evidence there really is a DEEP STATE pulling the strings behind the Republican-Democratic-Trumpian facade?

Obviously, I personally, had nothing to do with the larger, real world GENERALLY unfolding along the lines of that 1976 letter other than being a Messenger in the right place at the right Time. I cannot boast about it, except to point out the Historical FACTS. It does not make me better, superior or any more special than any other having a True Faith in God. The FACTS above are independently verifiable along the Timeline since September 13, 1976. I thank God I’m still alive in my 74th year and via the Internet, point to the record which is evidence God lives!

Question 2: How would you describe yourself with regard to spirituality?

Brought up as a Catholic in French Quebec, the Church had much more influence and control in the Culture that it has now. Because it was something you had to do, the every Sunday Catholic mass had crowds overflowing into the street.  I recall the Church was able to stop Elvis Presley from performing in Quebec, because his sensual hip movements were not acceptable to be seen by the People. Ed Sullivan did the same thing.

I had a child’s love for Jesus, the Bible being the 1st Book I read form cover to cover when I learned how to read. Jesus was my Hero. But then I discovered the sexuality God designed and made part of the human experience in the human body.

Catholics have to confess their sins to the Priest and I had to confess how many times ‘I played with myself’ the only activity I engaged in called a sin I knew of in my younger years. The number varied from week to week, and the punishment was always the same, 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys. A Priest never molested me, but as I got older, and started playing with others, I confessed that sin as ‘committing an impure act with another person.’ As far as I was concerned, the Priest knew what I was confessing. I took offence when they started asking for graphic and explicit descriptions of what happened in bed and that was none of his business. I left the Church.

While the basic Christian Value of ‘treating others as I loved myself’ was ingrained in my personality, I never thought of God as I got into the world system. I was dead to God, and God was Dead to me. I felt no need since at the age of 24, with company car and expense account to wine and dine, the money I was making then, accounting for inflation, would buy the stuff requiring  $170,000 in Today’s Dollars.

At 29, my Business Card read, “National Marketing Representative, Mining Division, Dominion Engineering Works Ltd. of Montreal. It was all title, and no substance. A Canadian Mining Company was not going to pay $150,000 for the manufactured machines and pay Canadian workers $30 in salary, benefits and taxes, when they could go offshore and pay workers $5 a Day with no benefits or environmental costs. The mineral could be imported put next door to a Canadian Mine for less than that Canadian mine could get it out of the ground. The export Market was booming, and I was relegated to preparing Proposals for Export. I could see in 1974, if that was already happening to heavy manufacturing and Mining, it wouldn’t be long before other Domestic Manufacturing went the same way. This was before US-Canada Free Trade, NAFTA, and Globalization of the Economy. I quit the job.

The very next Day, February 1, 1975, when I was 29 going on 30 and I was ‘born again’ without looking for it. It was a totally unexpected surprise to me. With all I experienced in my Life before that Day, more than many, and less than others, I knew without a doubt, I came alive to the kingdom of heaven within me. ‘Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.’ -John 1:13  ‘And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God comes not with observation:
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

This may be a long accounting leading to my spiritually after living a life in the flesh, but this is how I describe the beginning of it, trying to convey a spiritual experience through words made Flesh.


Sometimes I am a slow learner. Two years before I was able to identify what happened to me February 1, 1975 as coming alive to God, I did have a very vivid and powerful Dream, a premonition perhaps, but did not identify it as God, and did not start communion with God at that Time. That is described in the Blog article ‘I HAD A DREAM.

Question 3: What were some of the most memorable transforming points across the years (books, personal contacts, mystical experiences, etc.) in the developing of your current spiritual perspective?

Getting to this 3rd question, I probably answered a lot of it in the 2 previous questions. Obviously, reading the answer to the 1st question, I would pay much closer attention to the unfolding events in this world more than most people, except for those experts who are paid to study Global events. As to ‘mystical experiences, some of them are covered in the 1st question. My Blog article ‘THE IMPERIAL POPE‘  describes things that happened in my Life without exaggeration or embellishment that would be considered mystical at the very least.

Like any other Believer, after 42 years, my spirituality is still a work and Revelation in progress, Day by Day.

Question 4: What is your greatest wish for readers as a consequence after reading/considering your writings?

I can only hope with this Witness and Testimony, people will see I write about a Power much greater than I, Presidents, Prime ministers and Religious Leaders, and will start looking for God in their lives, and in the World. God will not force anyone to look for God. Those who seek will find. It may not be quick with the snap of the fingers, but with Faith and Patience, God will Reveal God to the sincere seekers. No one can be saved by me, the Pope, the Rabbis, the Ayatollahs or any Christian Evangelist. You can be saved only by Christ in YOU. ‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.’ -Isaiah 1:18

Question 5: Can you offer any advice to people having a difficult time dealing with government and media lies, especially as it pertains to so many average citizens who hold erroneous perceptions on important events and situations around the Earth?

Ottawa Citizen - 2nd WarningI wish I had a viable answer or advice to offer on this question. I am stumped like everyone else. Watching CNN & MSNBC, reading The Washington Post & The New York Times, I often see them as Propagandists for the Power, not speaking Truth to the Power. I often find myself shouting ‘liar’ at the TV, listening to some Politicians and the so called ‘experts’ subtly inciting for war with Russia. It’s working on American minds too in the new McCarthyism.

When the US, with it’s belief in it’s own exceptionalism, it’s incomprehensible to me how CNN & MSNBC is all Trump, anti-Russian, 24/7 for the last year, instead of informing Americans about the World the US thinks it has the right to control and conform to American interests and priorities. As this point, all I can do is write letters to Senators and Representatives, and comment in articles in The Washington Post, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and many other online news sites – and pray to God.


Thank you again, Ray. Peace.

One thought on “THE ONENESS of HUMANITY – An Interview of Ray Joseph Cormier

  1. Glad you ‘like’ this re-post from your Blog, Jerry. The only change I made was inserting the pictures full size.

    Doing a right click on the KC Times picture, and opening it in a new window was a surprise I just discovered now, unlike right clicking it in the Past. Then just clicking on the smaller version below the much bigger aspect in the window, the whole article and script can be enlarged for ease of reading and examining.


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