I started this Blog in February 2011 and in 11 months there were 14,131 views on the articles posted up to that Time. In 2012 there were 25,000 views.

Even though people were not looking for my Blog, it turned up in the results of many different Google search terms. I was covering a lot of different subjects.

That all changed in 2013 when Google changed their algorithm and my Blog no longer showed up in Google results. Views plummeted 2/3 and having been going down ever since. To this Day of 2021, there is a total of 1509 views of so many more articles for the whole year.

In my own estimation, one of the most important, significant and informative articles in my Blog is SIGNS OF THE TIMES even though I now realize it’s too long for most people to read, digest and understand all the implications.

Even though Google has the most sophisticated Web Crawler of them all, “SIGNS OF THE TIMES” with quotation marks doesn’t even show up in the search results and that’s unusual.

It’s not that Google hides me. Searching for “ray joseph cormier” with the quotes, turns up over 30 pages of results on my Internet footprint, and that doesn’t include some 10,000 comments and analysis on the unfolding Realities in the rapidly changing News cycle in The Washington Post and other places.

That reality has discouraged me from writing for a while, but that has to change, especially shortening the reports. I haven’t figured out a new format and style yet, but for starters, this is what I see unfolding reading recent news as posted to my Public FaceBook page.

November 11

Video of Pierre Trudeau 53 years ago, saying in Washington, living next door to the US is like sleeping with an elephant. No matter “how friendly and even-tempered” it is, in CanaDa, we feel every twitch and grunt.

That was when the US was still friendly and even tempered.

The American Carnage Trump introduced with his 1st Presidential speech, is taking root on American Streets inciting an American MOB Mentality of WE vs THEY at all costs.

It will be much different from the Time when CanaDa sheltered Americans wanting to get away from the American War on Vietnam.

This Time, Americans will be seeking Refugee Status in CanaDa to escape crazy, American Style, Homemade Domestic Terrorism. Almost everybody has guns, many of them made for War.

I’m not the only person that sees it. The government won’t/can’t openly warn and prepare Canadians for that very real possibility until it’s too late and has no choice but to address and deal with it when it will be much more difficult.

Will Canadians be Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally strengthened to deal with it then?

I’ve often thought if WWIII/Armageddon comes, no one will have to go to it. It will unfold all around us if WE the People, consent to it by our Silence.

In that chaos, The Lord will save only those who call on him, not those who don’t!

Long before I unexpectedly, and to my great Wonder and surprise, came alive to the Christ in me, the fundamental active belief of Christianity itself, I was a labourer for the Foundation Company of CanaDa on the Distant Early Warning line in 1963, when it was the 1st radar warning line of a surprise Soviet attack over the North Pole.

The Foundation is laid, but the Line is no longer Distant, and it’s getting Late!

I knew I wouldn’t have much Time, but these are the choice words interjected into the Official Remembrance Day Ceremonies November 11, 1985, in the hearing of the Governor-General, the Prime Minister, The Military Brass, the Ambassadors of the Nations and the Public. The Americans and Soviets were shouting at each other in PUBLIC.

“Hear O people and Nations, even to the ends of the Earth, the Word of the LORD God, who is, and was, and is to come, The Almighty.The LORD has a controversy with the people.

Do you do well to honour the dead, and yet, deny the God of the Living? Why do you follow the vain traditions of men, and make of no effect, the Principles of God?

You come here for one hour, one day a year, in a great show of Public Patriotism, and then forgetting, go back to work and make the same careless mistakes made by the generations prior to the 1st and 2nd World Wars.

Hitler is dead, but it’s his legacy that remains. A Soviet-American military-industrial complex consuming $trillions of dollars every year, holding the entire World hostage…………

“Hostage” was the last word said perched on a bus shelter roof, as police got up and grabbed the megaphone. I was arrested for shouting, causing a disturbance, convicted and fined $250. I appealed without a lawyer to The Supreme Court of Canada.

The Status Quo hasn’t changed in 36 years except now it’s a Russian-American-Chinese Military-Industrial Complex taking more money away from Civilian NEEDS than ever before. There’s only One Direction that will bring your Children and Grand Children in the FUTURE.

The biggest tragedy I see is, it seems People just don’t care as they escape in their Smart phones while remaining Dumb on what’s really important.

November 13

Beirut Lebanon in the Past, was known as The Paris of the Middle East.

“Some rich people who trusted the banks blindly were pushed to middle class status, while people in the middle class joined the ranks of the working class or the poor. The poor did not lose money in the banks, but living conditions in Lebanon are harder than ever and basic living necessities are more expensive than they have ever been.”

People stand in line at the banks to receive whatever arbitrary and meagre cash amounts the banks allow, and at a great loss to depositors.”

THE ANGRY ARAB: Saudis Provoke Another Lebanese Crisis

Within 2 weeks of 9/11, the US came out with WAR PLANS to change the regimes of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and at THE END, Iran.

We can see the result. Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Lebanon are now FAILED States, while the nominally Christian Nations that inflicted all the Damage, resent the Refugees from the US led destructive Wars arriving in Europe.

Jesus was crucified for overturning the tables on the Bankers and Merchants working the Shopping Mall in the Temple in a Kosher deal with the Priests.

Since then, under the Establishment Christian Religion, the Bankers and Merchants made such a big comeback in the last 2000 years, their BIGGEST money making Season is Christmas, and no one sees anything wrong with that picture.

Everyone knows the implication in the adage, “The Writing’s on the Wall!”

It comes from the account of ancient Babylon, the 1st Nation to reach Military-Economic Superpower Status, Daniel 5 in his Book in the Book of Books, describes a great feast or State Dinner, the king put on for 1000 of the ELITE of the kingdom and they praised the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood and stone some 2600 years ago.

From THEN to NOW, it’s ‘The Economy, Stupid!’ and the ELITE are still the ELITE.

Ancient Babylon is now called Iraq. The US is this World’s latest, greatest Nation to achieve Military-Economic Superpower status, and also the shortest lived of the Superpowers of History.

The Tail struck the Head, leading to this World’s tightening Economic Straitjacket.

The Lord does work in mysterious ways it is often said. A Fundamental Tenant of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Religions say ‘Vengeance belongs to God, and God will repay.’ What is happening in Lebanon now, will be coming the Christian Economies sooner than most people DARE think!

Still, for those who keep the Faith, they will know the Peace and Joy of the Resurrected Christ, no matter how desperate it becomes on Earth

All who seek You shall exult and rejoice; those who love Your salvation shall constantly say, “May the Lord be magnified.”