

The link above confirms what is now Legally possible in the US as earlier reported in the  link below posted January 11, 2012 on the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act giving the US Military the Legal Authority to grab American Citizens out of their homes or off the street, and lock them up indefinitely in some Gitmo-Gulag based on some Bureaucratic determination someone has some vague association with terrorism.

There is no phone call to a Lawyer. The Writ of Habeus Corpus, or a Day in Court, to contest the the government allegation is removed. Anyone arrested becomes one of the Disappeared.

The following video details the contents of a Department of Defense document entitled “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” or FM 3-39.40. The document is 325 pages long and is signed by JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. It was created in 2010 however it has just recently been leaked to the public via the internet and can now be downloaded from multiple sources. In the description below you will find a download link for the document. I encourage you to download it yourself and verify everything that is being said here.

The document outlines military procedures for internment and resettlement of civilians and it describes the layout and administration of interment camps. It clearly states on page 38 that it applies within U.S. territory and specifically addresses the detainment of U.S. citizens as is indicated by the identification procedures for new prisoners on page 146 which states that social security numbers are to be recorded along side their photograph and fingerprints. Included in the list of organizations which may be involved in these internment operations are the Department of Homeland Security, the FEMA, the Department of Defense and the United Nations.

On page 56 the document outlines the responsibilities of Psychological Operations officers within the camps among which it states that a Psyop officer “Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes. and Identifies political activists.” On page 281 the document goes into more detail regarding the role Psychological Operations within the camps specifically in regards to pacifying the population and insuring cooperation.

On page 238 it gives the conditions for the use of deadly force in such camps, among the justifications for lethal force it includes to “terminate an active escape attempt”. That point right there should make it clear that these camps are not benevolent disaster relief type facilities.

On page 244 the document calls for the use of snipers during riots to quote “scan a crowd and identify agitators and riot leaders for apprehension and fire lethal rounds if warranted”.

On page 260 it shows the basic layout for a facility focusing on detainment. It is depicted with interrogation areas, tribunal areas and mortuaries. Each detainment facility is designed to hold 4000 prisoners and they are depicted with multiple levels of barbed wire separating compartments within the facilities with a double barbed wire fence enclosing them and 24 guard towers.

On page 261 it depicts the layout for what they call civilian resettlement facilities, which are designed to house 8,000 people. And though it uses the word resettlement the plans show multiple levels of barbed wire dividing the sections of the facility and double barbed wire fencing on the outside as well as 16 guard towers.

On page 262 the layout for facilities designed for what they call non-compliant prisoners is shown. These camps are designed to hold up to 300 prisoners, they have 3 interrogation centers and are guarded by 13 guard towers.

Now if there is any question whether these plans are active or are just theoretical this should settled by the fact that the U.S. army has been running ads for job positions in these camps since 2009 and apparently they are still hiring.


If you look in the description you’ll find all the links you need to verify this information.

It’s important to note here that this document was created in 2010, which was under the Obama administration, and it predates the NDAA of 2012 which authorized military detainment of U.S. citizens. This clearly shows a long term agenda at work.

Download link for FM 3-39.40: http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf

Army hiring for these internment camps:

The article linked below was posted 9 years ago, and all you have read above, confirm the article Title was prescient.


I sent this Personal letter to Barrack Obama September 10, 2018. I didn’t expect an acknowledgement and didn’t get one.

President Obama.

As a Canadian, I was very happy when you were elected President. I saw that as a hopeful Sign for America and the World.

You didn’t campaign to inherit the Global Financial Meltdown-Economic Pearl Harbour that happened even before you were elected, in the last months of 8 years of Republicanomics of more to the rich, and fighting Foreign Wars on Credit. The Trump Republican Tax Bill they spin as ‘Reform’ is the continuation of those Bush Policies on steroids.

Watching from CanaDa, the real danger I see, is if there is another Global Financial Collapse due to more US Economic War on more perceived enemies simultaneously than ever before in US history, complemented by more tariffs or US hidden Taxes on more US Allies than ever before Americans will have to pay for.
Removing the few Regulations put in place after the 2008 Global Financial Meltdown-Economic Pearl Harbour to prevent a recurrence, the worst possible aspects I would expect you were briefed on at the Time, increases the likelihood what has already happened, could happen again?

Watching these things, I have to wonder if there is a method to Trump’s madness?
If there is a sudden, unexpected Global Financial Meltdown-Economic Pearl Harbour like the last one, in the face of the Social Chaos you were warned in 2008 would happen unless you signed onto TARP, it is President Trump who could invoke the use of the worst provisions in the 2012 NDAA you signed into Law.

That would make Trump, with 2 years to go, the 1st to use the Legal Authority in that 2012 NDAA, to have his Bureaucracy/Military get rid of his ‘opposition’ in some Gitmo/Gulag, by accusing them of being vaguely associated with terrorism as determined by the Trump bureaucracy, in a Time of Social disorder.
The right to challenge the government’s ‘suspicion’ in a Court of Law is removed.
That’s a very real possibility with Trump’s temperament he has already displayed.

I always admired the High Ideals in your speeches, hoping and praying Americans would take them to heart.
But I also saw you didn’t always practice what you preached.
On that score, the whole human Race without exception, is guilty.

I appreciated your Grace in dealing with a Congress whose Republican Leaders Declared, even before you were sworn in, their sole goal was to destroy your Presidency, and I saw they did everything within their power to do that.
I hate seeing the Republican hypocrisy/duplicity now that the Pendulum has swung to the other side.

My deepest personal disappointment in you is, as a Constitutional Scholar, you did not VETO the 2012 NDAA even in the face of the overwhelming VETO-proof majorities in both Houses of Congress.

At least, you would have started the Real Debate on American Democracy.
Now that you have entered the Current Political debate, you can still redeem yourself, admitting you made a mistake signing the 2012 NDAA.