Today is the 44th Anniversary since I was given a new lease on Life. February 1st, 1975, I unexpectedly came alive to the Spirit of God and/or God came alive to me in me. Of this I have no doubt, and I have only grown in Trust and Faith in Eternal Life, recognizing life in this Flesh, on this Earth, is transitory.

The rest believe they will just die and cease to exist forever, begetting a ‘get it while you can’ attitude oblivious to any notion of Respect for Posterity and the collective well being of Future Generations.  That Day changed my direction and outlook, and how I interpret the unfolding events in this Material World

All of us are born into this World toothless, dependent and vulnerable, having to wear diapers. Most of us leave this World the way we arrived, toothless, dependent and vulnerable, having to wear diapers. Our Words and Deeds between arrival and departure determine our Future, quality of Life and effectiveness in this Material World. That’s the human condition and it will not change. What we think and reason can change with new Facts and Information.

The following information was written by Jonathan Cook, an Independent British Journalist living and working in the original Nazareth where Jesus grew up in Occupied Palestine. There is an exclusive Jews only settlement called Upper Nazareth.

Jonathan reports on the Jewish-Palestinian conflict and other significant World events. Israeli and Western Media don’t publish him.

I’m sharing this, his latest writing, because this article uses Secular, non-religious terms, generally covering what I have been attempting to convey using Biblical terms that can turn people off.

Jonathan does it so well in this article. My personal comments, apart from Jonathan’s, will be in brackets. The Bible verses I think he mirrors in this article are in italics. I added the pictures and the video I think enhance his script.

A liberal elite still luring us towards the abyss


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